‘As A Leader It Is Important To Not Just See Your Own Success. But Focus On The Success Of Others.’

Sundar Pichai’s Philosophy

Google CEO Sundar Pichai, on Day 2 of his India tour, addressed his alma mater, IIT Kharagpur, there was an interactive session with the students. A nostalgic Pichai told students about his days at IIT-Kharagpur and talked about his struggles and his favorite mess food. 

On Google’s focus in the future, he said they are “betting big” on advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning in the coming years.


He said: “As a leader, it is important to not just see your own success. But focus on the success of others”. So many people work so hard and try new things every day. As a leader, we should guide them to succeed. Focusing on the team is one of the most important jobs for a leader.”

Sundar Pichai

Ways to Help Your Employees Succeed

Begin Fostering a Supportive and Healthy Company Culture

Healthy company culture can encourage all employees to do their best. Make sure your business has:


  • A team mentality
  • A clear-cut identity
  • A stated set of values and goals 

Hold a Town Hall to Get Employee Feedback and Hear Concerns

Suppose you don’t regularly communicate with your employees to get their feedback on company operations, hear their concerns, and crowd-source ideas. In that case, you may not be effective in trying to help them succeed. You can remedy this issue by holding a town hall once a month or once a quarter. In addition to that, it can open up the lines of communication and make your employees feel valued.


Build In Opportunities for Long-Term Employees to Climb the Ladder

When employees know there are opportunities to grow at your business, they’re more likely to excel. Build-in career ladder opportunities such as:


  • Job promotions
  • Paths to promotion
  • Regular raises

It will encourage workers to want to thrive in your business. Additionally, it will give them the peace of mind to show their full talent to tackle the job.


Increase Workplace Efficiency to Prevent Wasted Time and Potential

An inefficient workplace doesn’t help anyone succeed. Try hiring an organizational psychologist to pinpoint potential inefficiencies in your office. For instance, you may want to switch from paper to digital systems to help save your employees time on busy work. 


Train Your Managers to Notice and Cultivate Top Talent

Identifying top talent early on is key to helping your employees become stars. Ideally, your manager training programs help managers pinpoint signs of workers who could excel.


Beef Up Your Perks and Benefits Package to Care for Employees’ Well-Being

Employees may feel more motivated to succeed when supported by the right benefits. Also, make sure your perks encompass some or all of the following:


  • A retirement or pension plan
  • Health and dental insurance
  • Stock options
  • Life insurance

Institute Employee Wellness Programs for In-House Support

Having in-house wellness programs is another way to support your workers for success. Consider instituting:


  • Gym memberships
  • In-house daycare
  • In-house catering

Create a Complains and Feedback System to Track Employee Needs

Having a streamlined system for your employees to submit complaints or provide feedback can help prevent pent-up frustration. Next, try instituting a digital system where it’s easy for employees to offer feedback and feel that they’re contributing to building up the business.  Doing this will keep you engaged with your employees. Furthermore, it can motivate them to work and keep them happy. 

Even for companies with extensive industry experience and adequate EPLI insurance coverage, investing in employees’ success and well-being is crucial. Consequently, if you want to help support your employees in their professional lives so they can succeed, consider putting these nine tips to the test.


In Resume:


  • Begin Fostering a Supportive and Healthy Company Culture
  • Hold a Town Hall to Get Employee Feedback and Hear Concerns
  • Build In Opportunities for Long-Term Employees to Climb the Ladder
  • Increase Workplace Efficiency to Prevent Wasted Time and Potential
  • Train Your Managers to Notice and Cultivate Top Talent
  • Beef Up Your Perks and Benefits Package to Care for Employees’ Well-Being
  • Institute Employee Wellness Programs for In-House Support
  • Create a Complains and Feedback System to Track Employee Needs

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